Guaranteed split payment for your Ecommerce

Your average cart often exceeds 100€? Perhaps you should consider offering payment in 3X or 4X at no cost. This will boost your sales by increasing the average basket and your transformation rate.

Yes, but this type of payment is historically not easy to set up. And if some PSPs offer credit card splitting solutions, this means resubmitting the customer's card at each monthly payment. So there's no guarantee that he is solvent...

Fortunately, some solutions have emerged for some time and the following 3 companies offer this service with a payment guarantee:

  • Oney
  • Scalable
  • Alma

To put it simply, you implement their payment solution on your site and with each order in split payment, they pay you the entire turnover minus their commission.

Our favorite is Alma

Alma is a small French startup created by Louis Chatriot in 2018, which has more than a hundred employees and has raised more than 12 million euros in 2020.

Extremely User Friendly, Alma interfaces quickly on your Ecommerce platform by offering Addons for the majority of platforms (Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento2,...)

The commission is 3.8% of the turnover generated and you receive the funds within a few days.

Another significant asset : we can use Alma also if you animate Popups stores and you do not have a payment terminal. At the moment of the sale, an email is automatically sent to your customer on their smartphone. All he has to do is enter his bank details and you receive the confirmation on your Alma interface.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need some help with the implementation of these solutions on your Ecommerce.
