Webmaster basics


> Concept of network

  • Networks
  • IP classes
  • Ping

> Les applications Internet

  • The 4 TCP/IP layers
  • Ports and sockets
  • The web application and the HTTP and HTTPS protocols
  • The Mail application and the SMTP and POP protocols
  • The file transfer application and the FTP protocol
  • The remote connection application and the SSH protocol

> Nom de domaine

  • Syntax of a domain name
  • Resolving a domain name
  • Configuring zones in a domain

> Architectures de site Web

  • Static site with XHTML
  • Client-side interactive site with Javascript
  • Server-side interactive site with PHP
  • Dynamic site with PHP/MySQL
  • Website 2 with Ajax
  • Full Flash website
  • Business website with HTTPS

> Server and hosting

  • Bandwidth and throughput
  • Access Provider
  • Accommodation Centre
  • Different hosting types

> Référencement (SEO) et Web analytique

  • Web marketing
  • Search engines
  • SEO
  • Hands-on workshop: Optimizing your site



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