Writing for the Web


> Le Web : une nouvelle façon de penser l’écriture

  • Understanding the specifics of the Web media
  • Considering the benefits and constraints of HTML
  • Reading behaviors on the Web
  • Thinking of a new visual space: sites and drop-down pages
  • Text and hypertext: moving from linear to interactive writing
  • The importance of the wording in natural referencing

> Organiser et structurer l’information sur le web

  • Organizing an electronic document: tree views
  • Structures and modes of hypermedia writing
  • Ergonomics: defining the thematic composition of your site
  • Choosing the location of texts based on navigation logic
  • Organization of information and editorial sites
  • Examples and counter-examples of websites

> Rédiger les textes et choisir les liens

  • The basic rules of journalistic writing
  • The texts outline / The sentences construction
  • Choosing and prioritizing your keywords
  • Choosing vocabulary / Using punctuation
  • Making good use of hypertext functions
  • Exploiting the different types of links
  • Dividing the text by unit of information
  • Creating reading levels



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