Get started with CRM / ERP Dolibarr


> Installation

  • Presentation of Dolibarr and local installation on Mac and/or Windows
  • First configuration
  • Activating core modules
  • Save your Dolibarr

> Navigate Dolibarr

  • Organization of admin menus
  • Understand and configure the dashboard

> Users

  • Create a user
  • Set permissions

> Third parties and contacts

  • Creating third parties and contacts
  • Understand and use categories
  • Understand the file of a third party / contact

> Services and products

  • Creating services and products
  • Understand and use categories
  • Understanding product / service listing

> Quotes and invoices

  • Creating a quote
  • The status of a quote
  • Place a quote as an invoice
  • Invoices types
  • The "Invoices" module configuration



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