Website creation basics


> Webmaster : a profession

  • From online writer to computer scientist
  • A little technique and theory...
  • Hosting / Naming your site
  • The Internet and legislation, push notif...)

> Network Architecture

  • The different types of connections
  • The essentials of TCP/IP
  • Name resolution with DNS

> Overview of development languages and tools

  • The basic languages HTML, XHTML, DHTML, XML
  • Client-side scripts (javascript, jscript, vbscript)
  • Server-side scripts (ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl...)
  • The Java language and other tools

> Make a interactive website

  • Images / GIF banners
  • Flash
  • Forms

> Overview of web servers

  • The machine type
  • Which operating system?
  • The choice of a web server software

> Create and publish your site

  • Development tools (Editors / WYSIWYG)
  • HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Publish with FTP

> Promote your site

  • SEO and SEA
  • Promotional tools
  • Measure the audience
  • Google tools



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