Digital courses with Squid Formation

At the end of the services provided by our freelancers, our clients often need a helping hand to appropriate their new digital tools. It also happens that our clients wish to develop their skills on tools already in place in their company.

We have therefore established a partnership with Squid Formation, our branch dedicated to digital training. You will find a catalog of training courses including creating a WordPress site or writing an SEO referenced articlebut alsoAgile methods.

These training courses are provided by working professionals, who will pass on their expertise and best practices to you. Among them, you will find some of our consultants.

Squid Formation obtained, in 2022, the Qualiopi certification, which open financing solutions for your training.

As always, we adapt to the specific needs of our customers, and if you need to improve your skills on a particular tool, we will offer you a tailor-made training formula, with appropriate support.

If you yourself are an expert in a digital field (writing, development, design, project management, ERP, etc.), do not hesitate to contact us to join our experts/teachers team!
