Creating a WordPress site for our partner Squid Formation

You may already know, Squid Formation is the training arm of Digital Skipper.

In 2022, after obtaining Qualiopi certification and its first training requests, it was time for Squid Formation to put its training catalog online.

Pauline Desmarets, our very own WordPress developer consultant has designed and developed a tailor-made site, with a strong and modern graphic imprint.


  • self-generated pages from an easy-to-manage back-office catalog
  • a data import-export module to edit training courses in bulk
  • a custom mouse cursor for full site immersion
  • a search engine
  • a tablet version and a mobile version to guarantee an optimal visitor experience
  • a deep work on natural referencing via articles, URLs, meta-data and page loading speed

Go take a look at Squid Formation website to discover the courses offered or get inspiration for your own site!
