Getting started with WordPress


> Intro

  • What's a CMS?
  • The main CMS
  • Functioning of WordPress
  • History and version

> Installing a WordPress website

  • The different tools needed: web server, database, editor...
  • Update procedures
  • Setting up the title of your website
  • Creating an administrator account

Workshop: installing WordPress on a web server

> Understand how WordPress works

  • Navigation between front and back office
  • Dashboard overview
  • Organization of admin menus
  • Difference between article and page

> Publishing articles

  • Managing articles: creating, modifying, archiving
  • Organizing your articles via categories
  • Assigning categories to a menu
  • Adding media: images, videos, and audio
  • Scheduling the publication of an article

> Managing comments

  • Banning or allowing comments
  • Putting a comment on hold for moderation
  • Correcting a comment
  • Treating a comment as spam
  • Protecting yourself from spam comments

> Publishing pages

  • Creating static pages
  • Managing multiple page levels
  • Setting the visibility of a page
  • Using WordPress text editor
  • Assigning a page to a menu
  • Creating a static home page

Workshop: publishing and formatting content

> Making your articles and pages visible

  • SEO basics
  • Choosing your keywords
  • Working on your text content
  • Images optimization

> Customizing the appearance of your website

  • Customizing the basic WordPress theme
  • Setting up the header and menu
  • Setting the background
  • Managing widgets: location, deactivation...

> Changing the theme of your website

  • How to choose the right theme?
  • Download another theme via WordPress
  • Change the default theme

Workshop: changing your theme

> Displaying pages and articles

  • Installing a "Page Builder" plugin
  • Working with grids
  • Integrating a webdesign
  • Creating design patterns

> Discovering other types of plugins

  • Creating media carousels
  • Using custom fonts

Workshop: installing and testing plugins

> WordPress Certification (if included)



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